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Terms and Conditions for Company Logo Usage


By downloading and using the company logos provided on this page, you agree to the following terms:

  1. Approved Use Only: The logos are provided exclusively for use on company-related documents and materials, such as official reports, presentations, and internal communications. Logos may not be used for personal projects, personal gain, or self-created marketing materials.

  2. Approval Requirement: All marketing materials and official documentation that use the company logo must receive quality approval from the company’s graphics designer and/or the relevant phase head respectfully.

  3. Disciplinary Actions: Unauthorized use of the logo, including unapproved marketing materials or any personal projects, will lead to disciplinary action as outlined by company policy.


By downloading the logos, you acknowledge and agree to comply with these terms.

Download Instructions:

  1. Click on the Download button and wait for the download to complete.

  2. Open your computer’s Downloads folder. You should see a folder named "Official Logos".

  3. Right-click on the "Official Logos" folder and select Extract or Unzip.

  4. A new folder will appear with all the logos ready for use.

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